all league/region ski team soccer, Mountain Biking Club, Running Club,
U of Utah Nordic Ski Team. U of Utah Nordic Ski Team
trying to pick up the Italian ski team and carry it on his shoulders.
Kalnu Ereliai Ski Team 2007. Our Sponsors:
US Ski Team racer Bode Miller smiles as a student asks him to sign his arm
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Fall camp in Solden - KALNŲ ERELIAI SKI TEAM
Fall camp in Solden - KALNŲ ERELIAI SKI TEAM
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Watch our OKEMOS VIDEO !
US Ski Team racer Bode Miller listens to questions from students at the
Parents: Connie and Thomas Deits of Okemos; Honors/activities: Valedictorian
I stay active with running, biking, and skiing and enjoy gardening,
Round Two: Okemos Chiefs still victorious
Out Your Backdoor: YouTube: Is it Fun to Ski in the Slop in Okemos?
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