BBC show the state of Israel's boundaries before and after the 1967 war.
day after the talks fail? What is the alternative plan? Unlike Israel

East Jerusalem was also annexed by Israel in 1967.
map on the right are the lands Israel acquired as a result of the war.
Cease-Fire Lines After the Six-Day War. MYTH. “Israel expelled peaceful Arab
Israel Before the 1967 War
of Silwan on land Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war.
Israel will withdraw to the pre-1967 borders; most military analysts
After June 1967, Before
Jerusalem Before and After 1967 | Israel's Occupation
set at the 1967 lines (the border before the 1967 war after which Israel
Life in Gaza Before and After the 1967 War
Photo: Henry Cartier-Bresson - 1967 (Before ? After ? the 1967 War)
Before the Six Day War in 1967, this open area was a frontier position
See Map 1: Al Walajeh Village before and After the 1967 War
Israel only recently gained control of the old city after the 1967 war.
Israel occupied in the 1967 war.
The 1967 War · The 1973 Yom Kippur War. Modern Day Israel Topography
This is because before 1967
Israel | Greater Israel: What does it really mean?