commissioned a five-pound necklace that spells out “CRUNK AIN'T DEAD”
Lil Jon's “Crunk Ain't Dead” pendant is set
`Crunk Aint Dead'
Nov 2 2007 8:46 PM
Lil Jon's "Crunk Ain't Dead" necklace, documented in the "Guinness Book of
Golden boy: Lil Jon's 12lb Crunk Ain't Dead necklace has 3756 diamonds
Lil Jon - Crunk Ain't Dead Necklace - T-Shirt
With the purchase of a diamond and gold pendant reading "Crunk Ain't Dead,”
Lil Jon - Crunk Aint Dead Wht on Blk - T-Shirt
Lil Jon "Crunk Ain't Dead" White Red Business Card Templates from
Lil Jon's neck that reads “Crunk Ain't Dead,” Crunk is indeed dead.
Lil Jon - Crunk Ain't Dead Red on White Tank - Tank Top
Lil' Jon deserves mention for his “Crunk Ain't Dead” chain, as the chain is
Note: If you order one without the “Crunk Ain't Dead” chain I can add it for
Lil Jon - Crunk Ain't Dead Black on White Tank - Tank Top
Slick Rick's diamond studded eye patch, Lil Jon's “Crunk Ain't Dead” diamond
owning the world's heaviest chain (“cRuNk AiN't DeAd”), or a collection
Crunk Aint Dead Hoodie by CrunkClothing. Crunk Clothing
Lil Jon's “Crunk Ain't Dead” Pendant Set For Auction