primates and humans

Great apes are large, tailless primates, ranging from the smallest the

Great apes are large, tailless primates, ranging from the smallest the

Example 3: human-apes

Example 3: human-apes

Many evolutionists complain when people say that humans descended

Many evolutionists complain when people say that humans descended

Cladogram of primate evolution showing loss of lumbar segments in

Cladogram of primate evolution showing loss of lumbar segments in

This picture represents the family tree of primates and how humans have

This picture represents the family tree of primates and how humans have

Scientists universally agree that humans belong with the apes in the

Scientists universally agree that humans belong with the apes in the

The common ancestor was probably more similar to apes than humans in terms

The common ancestor was probably more similar to apes than humans in terms

Compared to other mammals, primates have large brains and short jaws,

Compared to other mammals, primates have large brains and short jaws,

Image comment: A comparison of human and primate skulls

Image comment: A comparison of human and primate skulls

From left to right the primate

From left to right the primate

Truth is, there was no guarantee that some big brained primates

Truth is, there was no guarantee that some big brained primates

primates.gif, primate phylogeny for the species used in this work based on

primates.gif, primate phylogeny for the species used in this work based on

Image comment: Ida had features common to lemurs, primates and humans.

Image comment: Ida had features common to lemurs, primates and humans.

Primate and human brains have evolved from the same brain, whose mental

Primate and human brains have evolved from the same brain, whose mental

primates and humans

primates and humans

The apes (Gorillas, Humans, Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Orangutans,

The apes (Gorillas, Humans, Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Orangutans,

Related topics: monkey, monkeys, primate, primates, primitive, ape, apes,

Related topics: monkey, monkeys, primate, primates, primitive, ape, apes,

 primates, including humans,

primates, including humans,

 monkeys, apes, and humans. Primates are primarily sorted into two main

monkeys, apes, and humans. Primates are primarily sorted into two main

The Ida fossil connects humans and later primates to earlier primates of the

The Ida fossil connects humans and later primates to earlier primates of the